San Marzano Tomatoes
Last February a dear friend gave me San Marzano tomato seeds from Italian Franchi Seeds to grow. Fast forward to August, and it was time to harvest. San Marzano tomatoes make a beautiful sauce, but I wanted to dehydrate them, a first for me. I have a setting on my oven, and used that method over night.
Dehydrated San Marzano Tomatoes
Beautiful crimson color matched with a flavorful tomato intensity, I wished I had grown more of these tomatoes. Remembering a quick recipe from Alice Waters, The Art of Simple Food II, I made her Crostini with Dried Roma Tomatoes, Anchovies, and Capers. This recipe is made with simple but ingredients you most likely have in your pantry, and with the star addition of dried Roma Tomatoes.
Anchovies, Capers, Olive Oil and Dried Roma Tomatoes
Dried Roma Tomatoes, Anchovies, and Caper Mixture Ready for Crusty Bread
Lovingly Adapted from Alice Waters, The Art of Simple Food II
Waters likes to add fresh chopped parsley or marjoram to each crostini for a touch of green, punch, and texture.
Please share if you dehydrate tomatoes or other foods you grow. Please share if you have a great Roma tomato recipe.