Squirrel Strategizing
New “A Frame” Fencing Over Raised Beds
I started this potager or vegetable garden on the north perimeter of our property from virtually a blank slate. I enclosed it with willow fencing, planted a privacy Podicarpus landscape wall, built raised bed kits, created pathways, irrigated, and further planted climbing roses and tree topiaries. It faces a sunny south exposure, and it worked. I was able to grow a lot of wonderful seasonal vegetables.
Eventually the word got out amongst the squirrels, there was good eatin’ at the Manion potager. This year we have live-trapped and relocated 21 squirrels to better digs. It didn’t help. I love wildlife, and closely observe the little ecosystem around us with great pleasure. See below for a related post.
My husband, John, made these “A” Frames over our raised vegetable beds. Actually, this idea came from my uncle, on his property in upper Wisconsin. These “A” frames are time consuming, but really are protective of your vegetables. Each side is a 4’ x 8’ frame (for a 4’ x 8’ raised vegetable bed) with matching triangle ends and support. The screen is 1/2” wire hardware mesh, which is stapled onto the framework. Two hinges at the top of each side allow you to lift up the side and work on your vegetable beds when you need to. Hook and eyes on each end are further security from any bandits trying to get in. It is a pretty simple design that is very effective.
I have experienced different pests, insects, and wildlife through cycles in my garden. One year I experienced a lot of tomato worms. One year I saw a lot of delicate dragonflys. One year rabbits were really a problem. Right now it is squirrels. So I know this too shall pass.
In the meantime, I am securing everything I can with chicken wire, and hardware mesh. Please share if you are having trouble with wildlife in your garden.
Related Post:
Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend…Bonnie