Hedging Shasta Daisy
Shasta Daisies Make a Great Welcoming Entrance
I want to share with you a great garden tip for an informal hedge, the perennial Shasta Daisy, Leucanthemum x superbum, Luther Burbank’s original hybrid. I struggled to find a suitable hedge or border for the entrance of my home because it is a sunny expansive area, had to look good year round, and present a warm and inviting entrance.
Why I like creating a border with Shasta Daisy:
1) I didn’t even buy the first starts, but were given to me by a dear friend. With the right happy conditions Shasta Daisy multiplies by itself, into a 2-4’ tall x 2’ wide mass. I wanted a fairly tall border in front of my Intrigue roses.
2) They bloom in July or mid summer when other parts of my garden are waning. The bright white flowers create a warm, cottage effect which put a smile on your face. Dead heading spent blooms encourages more blooming. Once all of the blooms are finished, I still have a beautiful green frilly perennial border throughout the year.
3) Shasta daisies like sun, but will fair well with some shade. They like moderate water. I have them on drip away from my home.
4) Butterflies are attracted to them, and often are fluttering around them.
5) In the spring or fall, I can divide plants to increase or reduce the width of my border.
6) Shasta Daisies glow in moonlight.
7) They are an excellent cut flower, last a long time in a vase, for your garden bouquets.
8) Shasta Daisies are easy to care for, fairly disease resistant, and respond well to a good pruning once a year.
9) Mass planting or repetition is always solid design.
Do you have this wonderful perennial in your garden now? Not only are Shasta Daisies great for a border or hedge, they do well in containers too!
Smiling Shasta Daisies Are Perfect Greeters