Give The Gift Of Home-Made Blackened Rub

Give The Gift Of Home-Made Blackened Rub You could say that I'm on a rant about spices. I confess, I love spices. Spices are fun to cook with, give as gifts, and easy to pick up up along your travels. A couple of years ago, I made and holiday-packaged this blackened rub for a garden fundraiser event. It was a big hit.

Everyone enjoys a little something "hand-made from the heart" for the holidays. Why not give a little gift of home-made blackened rub to your mailman, book club, child's teacher, and garden friends. Have you noticed that most gardeners are "foodies" as well. The two seem to go "hand in hand."

Simple spice containers are easy to find at World Market or Crate and Barrel. Reasonably priced spices can be found at Costco, or Smart and Final, if you have one in your area.

I must confess that this is not my original blackened rub recipe, but one that special friends (and fabulouse cooks) adapted, and shared with me. It is none other than the great chef, Paul Prudhomme's Original Blackened Rub with a twist, added chipotle pepper.

Adapted Paul Prudhomme's Blackened Rub 1 1/2 cup Paprika 3/4 cup Kosher Salt 1/4 cup Onion Powder 1/4 cup Garlic Powder 1/4 cup Red Cayenne Pepper 1/2 cup Chipotle Pepper 3 Tablespoons White Pepper 3 Tablespoons Black Pepper 2 Tablespoons Ground Thyme 2 Tablespoons Ground Oregano

Mix throughly all the ingredients, until it is a rich spicy red color. This blackened rub is especially tasty with fish and meats.

This adapted bulk recipe fills approximately 8, 5oz containers. The recipe is so easy, simply repeat it if you have more containers to fill. Purchase holiday 4" x 9" size cellophane bags, pop your filled spice containers in the bag, and tie with a pretty ribbon. If you have time, make a beautiful gift tag, with the recipe included on the back.

Please comment on the home-made "foodie" gifts you like to give at the holidays.