Deborah Madison's Book Signing at Chino Farm

If you love to grow and eat vegetables, you are going to love Deborah Madison's new vegetable bible called, Vegetable Literacy: Cooking and Gardening with Twelve Families from the Edible Plant Kingdom, with over 300 Deliciously Simple Recipes. On Sunday, October 6, 2013, the world famous Chino Farm right in our San Diego backyard, presented Deborah Madison as part of their ongoing Good Earth Great Chefs series. Look for Alice Waters and Kermit Lynch's event at Chino's on December 7, 2013, 11:00am to 1:00pm.
This event was more than a book signing. Deborah had personally selected a recipe from her book, "Corn Simmered in Coconut Milk with Basil, served with Coconut Basmati Rice," for lucky attendees to sample. An additional unexpected surprise was lightly grilled shishito peppers and sweet potato leaf as garnish. San Marcos Stumblefoot Brewing Company provided the perfect beverage accompaniment.
Madison's book is as beautiful as it is massive. Instead of presenting her vegetables by season, she has grouped them by families. She shows us how vegetables by family have remarkable similarities, and can be interchanged in recipes. She also explains how the pairing of similar family vegetables, also share the same culinary characteristics, too. I love how she explains vegetables, first hand from her own gardening experience.

Madison is the author of eleven cookbooks, and is considered an authority on vegetables. In the few minutes I shared with Deborah Maidson, I sensed a peaceful spirituality about her, yet strong-mindedness to pursue issues of biodiversity and sustainable agriculture. It was a pleasure to meet her in person.
Please don't forget about my own upcoming book signing, Gardening with Free-Range Chickens for Dummies. RSVP and more details at San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 Quail Drive, Encinitas, this Saturday, October 12, at 10:00am- 11:30am.